What is Production System in Artificial Intelligence?

A production system is based on a set of rules about behavior. These rules are a basic representation found helpful in expert systems, automated planning, and action selection. It also provides some form of artificial intelligence. In this article, we will talk about the production system in artificial intelligence in the following sequence:


What is Production System?

Production system or production rule system is a computer program typically used to provide some form of artificial intelligence, which consists primarily of a set of rules about behavior but it also includes the mechanism necessary to follow those rules as the system responds to states of the world.

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Components of Production System

The major components of Production System in Artificial Intelligence are:

  • Global Database: The global database is the central data structure used by the production system in Artificial Intelligence.

  • Set of Production Rules: The production rules operate on the global database. Each rule usually has a precondition that is either satisfied or not by the global database. If the precondition is satisfied, the rule is usually be applied. The application of the rule changes the database.

  • A Control System: The control system then chooses which applicable rule should be applied and ceases computation when a termination condition on the database is satisfied. If multiple rules are to fire at the same time, the control system resolves the conflicts.


Features of Production System in Artificial Intelligence

The main features of the production system include:

features - production system in Artificial intelligence - edureka


1. Simplicity: The structure of each sentence in a production system is unique and uniform as they use the “IF-THEN” structure. This structure provides simplicity in knowledge representation. This feature of the production system improves the readability of production rules.

2. Modularity: This means the production rule code the knowledge available in discrete pieces. Information can be treated as a collection of independent facts which may be added or deleted from the system with essentially no deleterious side effects.

3. Modifiability: This means the facility for modifying rules. It allows the development of production rules in a skeletal form first and then it is accurate to suit a specific application.

4. Knowledge-intensive: The knowledge base of the production system stores pure knowledge. This part does not contain any type of control or programming information. Each production rule is normally written as an English sentence; the problem of semantics is solved by the very structure of the representation.



Control/Search Strategies

How would you decide which rule to apply while searching for a solution for any problem? There are certain requirements for a good control strategy that you need to keep in mind, such as:


Production System Rules

Production System rules can be classified as:

You can represent the knowledge in a production system as a set of rules along with a control system and database. It can be written as:

If(Condition) Then (Condition)

The production rules are also known as condition-action, antecedent-consequent, pattern-action, situation-response, feedback-result pairs.


Classes of Production System in Artificial Intelligence

There are four major classes of Production System in Artificial Intelligence:


Advantages & Disadvantages

Some of the advantages of Production system in artificial intelligence are:


  • Provides excellent tools for structuring AI programsadvantages - production system in artificial intelligence - edureka

  • The system is highly modular because individual rules can be added, removed or modified independently

  • Separation of knowledge and Control-Recognises Act Cycle

  • A natural mapping onto state-space research data or goal-driven
  • The system uses pattern directed control which is more flexible than algorithmic control

  • Provides opportunities for heuristic control of the search

  • A good way to model the state-driven nature of intelligent machines

  • Quite helpful in a real-time environment and applications.


Now, let’s have a look at some of the disadvantages:




Production System in Artificial Intelligence: Example

Problem Statement:

We have two jugs of capacity 5l and 3l (liter), and a tap with an endless supply of water. The objective is to obtain 4 liters exactly in the 5-liter jug with the minimum steps possible.



Production System:

  • Fill the 5 liter jug from tap
  • Empty the 5 liter jug
  • Fill the 3 liter jug from tap
  • Empty the 3 liter jug
  • Then, empty the 3 liter jug to 5 liter
  • Empty the 5 liter jug to 3 liter
  • Pour water from 3 liters to 5 liter
  • Pour water from 5 liters to 3 liters but do not empty


1,8,4,6,1,8 or 3,5,3,7,2,5,3,5;

It is possible to have other solutions as well but these are the shortest and the 1st sequence should be chosen as it has the minimum number of steps.

With this, we have come to the end of our article on Production System in Artificial Intelligence. I hope you understood what is the production system and how it is used for controlling a global database easily.

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